Saturday, 3 August 2013

Shark week: Fashion Edition

It's here! Shark week! It's always my favourite week of the year, but this year I love it even more because it's always my vacation week! Meaning I can sit around and play with my cat and rats and watch sharks. It also means I can look at all the beautiful fashion items with sharks on them, maybe even buy one or two or seven. Here I've collected my favourite shark pieces from Etsy.

I LOVE SHARK week Girls Ladies Heathered Tank Top Shirt silkscreen screenprint Alternative Apparel
This shirt  would be perfect for lounging around the apartment with yoga pants and fuzzy socks.

Genuine Shark Tooth Necklace, Shark Tooth Jewelry, Shark Tooth Pendant, Delicate Gold Necklace, Real Shark Tooth Necklace
I love this simple shark tooth necklace

Eeek! These shark heels are killer.

LUX DIVINE /// Chunky Shark Tooth Ring /// Gold Electroformed Ring
I love, love, love these shark tooth rings

Jaws inspired (shark) full skirt- made to order
This adorable jaws skirt

And finally, who wouldn't want to wear all this while drinking out of a cute Jaws mug?

Shark Week- JAWS Mug

The rings are my absolute favourite, aren't they just the most beautiful thing ever?
Happy Shark week!



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  1. Those shark shoes look so funny! Not sure I'd be able to walk in them though. If they were a couple of inches shorter then I'd be snapping them up!

    Check out my blog if you get some time :)

  2. I love high pumps! Walking on them is another story though, haha.

    And I'll check it out right now, thanks!

