According to The Library Gals, there are some rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, (which is a silly rule because I'd hope people would do it anyways!)
2. Post eleven facts about yourself.
3. Answer the eleven questions your nominator asked ( I didn't have any questions, so if you all have questions for me, shoot away!)
4. Create eleven questions for your nominees.
5. Nominate 5 to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less whom you feel deserves the award and leave a comment on their blog letting them know you've done that.
4. Create eleven questions for your nominees.
5. Nominate 5 to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less whom you feel deserves the award and leave a comment on their blog letting them know you've done that.
6. Display the logo.
Alright! Seems pretty simple to me!
My eleven facts:
* I have two pet rats, a snake and a cat.
* I have three tattoos.
*I don't own a DVD player.
*Despite being very outgoing and sociable, I actually enjoy being a hermit more.
*I am very religious. Most people are actually surprised to hear this when they know me.*I read, a lot.
*My best friend is my Mom.
*I have an irrational fear of wetting the bed, even though I haven't done it since I was about 5.
*I write poetry really well. But I've only ever let one person read my stuff.
*My favourite music is anything blues, bluegrass, folk and original punk rock.
*My outward appearance does not match my personality, and it confuses people.
My nominees!
2. http://kyahansen.wordpress.com/
I really enjoy fashion blogs, can you tell? What are your favourite "Blogs that have under 200 followers?"
Alright! Seems pretty simple to me!
My eleven facts:
* I have two pet rats, a snake and a cat.
* I have three tattoos.
*I don't own a DVD player.
*Despite being very outgoing and sociable, I actually enjoy being a hermit more.
*I am very religious. Most people are actually surprised to hear this when they know me.*I read, a lot.
*My best friend is my Mom.
*I have an irrational fear of wetting the bed, even though I haven't done it since I was about 5.
*I write poetry really well. But I've only ever let one person read my stuff.
*My favourite music is anything blues, bluegrass, folk and original punk rock.
*My outward appearance does not match my personality, and it confuses people.
My nominees!
2. http://kyahansen.wordpress.com/
I really enjoy fashion blogs, can you tell? What are your favourite "Blogs that have under 200 followers?"
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Please feel free to contact me at freedomwithflowers@gmail.com
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