Thursday, 2 October 2014

DIY Halloween costume ideas

It's that wonderful time of year again! Where summer suddenly dies and we run face first into everything pumpkin flavoured. Oh yeah, and it's a month before halloween and everyone's talking about what their going to wear. Halloween is always my favourite, yet somehow each year I plan to make a super-awesome-unique costume and usually end up being a vulcan from Star Trek. Every year. Except that one year where I was a vulcan zombie because my boyfriend has extra fake blood. Anyways, this year I SWEAR I'm going to be something totally awesome. Like Susie from Moonrise Kingdom, or a mermaid, or Susie from Moonrise Kingdom. I think I'm going to be Susie.

/\Kara Hayward as Suzy in 'Moonrise Kingdom' - Costume Designer: Kasia Walicka-MaimoneWg
All you need is a long sleeved peter pan collared dress, white knee highs, oxfords and binoculars.
I can't be fabulous today. My Wonder Woman costume is at the cleaners.
One year, when I'm super buff, I'll be wonderwoman and wear a pantless suit.

pretty girls in sexy star trek costume
Star Trek costumes always win.

This pin is a lengthy (really lengthy) list of custom ideas with links to directions.  There are SO many costume ideas!  Of course, I love the 3-D glasses above.  Cute, easy, and you can still feel like a girl without being "Slutty [Fill-In-The-Blank]," which seems to be about the only option for female costumes anymore.
I saw these two dresses and FELL IN LOVE! Sadly she closed up her shop and is no longer making these items. *sigh*

Couples costume. Alice and the White Rabbit.Mermaid Halloween costume by LoLovie  She gives a free tutorial for both an adult and a young child's homemade Mermaid outfit.  Easy!!

What will you guys be for halloween?


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