This weeks DIY roundup are some of my favourites! I'm almost tempted to stop dying my hair black so I can give myself temporary lavender hair. Wouldn't it look lovely on a bride in a woodland theme wedding? This one's going on my Pinterest wedding board,
This beautiful lady has temporary dyed hair! TEMPORARY PURPLE HAIR! Now, if you don't know, I had bright blue hair for three whole years. If i didn't have black hair I would be in the bathroom right now giving myself lavender hair.

I have been looking at polaroid coasters for so long! They are so lovely and unique. One of my all time favourite DIY's I have to say.

Homemade gift bags made out of newspapers is an environmentally friendly - and wallet friendly - alternative to buying dozens of bags year after year.

These paint chip bookmarks are super cute! Although I have to admit, I'm a page bender when it comes to reading, but if I had these I'd probably find books to read just so I could use them!
Which one is your favourite?