Friday, 21 February 2014

ich spreche deutsch

Well, not really. But I can now ask for a cup of coffee or glass of wine properly with an iffy accent, as well as tell someone I am a boy, girl or man.
I've always wanted to learn a second language  -  specifically German or Russian. After doing some research and finding out that Russian is one of the hardest languages to learn, I decided on Deutsch (German).

I am going to be honest, I did absolutely zilch research on the best online program for learning German. I tried Duolingo, and I've enjoyed it so far, but I wanted to learn more about sentence structure, so I then started doing Memrise. I LOVE it, it uses memory techniques to help you, well, remember. It has really helped me. TONS. I use both memrise and duolingo now but memrise is my main go to.


Who here is more skilled than I am and know more than one language??


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  1. Hi i have nominated you for the liebster awardcheck it out on my blog
