Friday, 23 January 2015

Tea Time: Honey & Tea

*** There are going to be some changes to this blog, I want to have better and more personal content! The first new weekly post will be Tea Time! Where I will be showcasing local tea businesses and tea accessories. Because tea is awesome. That is all. *****

                             Honey & Tea

Honey & Tea is a local business that sells ... honey and tea. Mostly tea. They even sell cast iron tea pots and glass teacups! They sell teas to make you relax, to energize or soothe! I am definitly going to get me some relax tea! They also have organic and traditional tea. Honey & Tea is located in Oshawa, Ontario and give opportunity for the homeless and at risk youth. So you can buy tea and feel good about not only investing in local businesses but also because of how you are helping the community!

All Photo's are courtesy of Honey & Tea.

I was in no way paid for this post - but that would be nice! - I just really like this tea. And it's local!



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