I've been feeling out of control lately, because I find myself wondering where the time has gone. I regularly find myself at the end of each day wondering if i was actually productive; could i have done more school work today? Could i have cleaned more? Could i have spent more time working on my business? Everyday.

I have so much going on at once; I'm a full time student, I work 15-30 hours a week and then on top of that I run a business. Finding time to sit down and relax, read a book, maybe watch a documentary, without feeling guilty about not doing something 'productive' just doesn't happen.
Not much I can do about that, besides maybe drop everything and move to a vegan commune, and that this point that doesn't sound too bad!
I'm still trying to figure everything out, I think I just need to find time for myself, even if it's just to take a bath and read a book. A bubble bath of course.
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Please feel free to contact me at freedomwithflowers@gmail.com
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