I found this in Thought Catalog, and it is the most truthful and relevant thing I have ever read.

1. If you can do something about it, fight like hell. If you can’t? Take a deep breath, and accept it. Even if that means accepting that you don’t like it and you won’t ever be okay with it. Acceptance doesn’t mean being happy with everything.
2. “We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.”
3. Practice non-resistance. Go with the flow. Let the tides take you where they may. There’s a plan; trust it.
4. Listen to your heart. Try to slow your racing thoughts for long enough to focus on how you feel. If and when you can do so enough to just listen to your feelings, solely your gut and your instinct, you’ll have the answer you’re looking for.
5. There is always a way. There is never a reason to feel hopeless. As long as you are willing to do your part to make your life what you want it to be, there will be people there to help you along the way.
6. Stop comparing.
7. Judging others doesn’t define them. It defines you as someone who needs to compartmentalize people.
8. Don’t bash what you hate, promote what you love.
9. This too shall pass. That means that whatever problem you feel as though you’ll never get over will be completely irrelevant in a few days, weeks, months, years. You’ll have new problems to fill your time. But do you know what that also means? The wonderful things that you’ve been neglecting to enjoy right now will also pass. And you’ll miss them.
10. What you need to concern yourself with most is the love and compassion you give to others. All others. The people who seem like they least deserve love need it most.
11. The past and the future are but illusions in the present moment.
12. When you start caring about what “people” think, think about someone in particular. Someone you are very close to, someone whose opinion actually matters. Does this person care about what you think “people” are judging you for? Chances are, no, they don’t. And guess what… that person would classify as one of the “people” in the world. Think about who these faceless judgmental demons are that haunt you. You’ll find, many times, they’re figments of your imagination.
13. People are more jealous than you’d think. Of what they can’t have and can’t be. Don’t let ‘em get you down.
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