Can I just say, that finding out about faerie fest was one of the greatest enlightenment I've ever had? People dressing up as fairies, trolls, elves, mermaids, knights and everything in between. There was jousting and vendors and a pub called the trolls feet. I even had a knight in shining armor ask for my number, he didn't call.
Traveler's Tree is my baby! I make handcrafted jewelry and sell on etsy, but I also do a lot of festivals during the summer!
Traveler's Tree is my baby! I make handcrafted jewelry and sell on etsy, but I also do a lot of festivals during the summer!
This is my booth ! I sold my jewelry, Traveler's Tree and got to meet all sorts of fun people. There was even a lady going around with a barrel of pickles yelling, "Pickles! Get your pickles! Thick, juicy pickles."
I was a really hot day, I couldn't even imagine what it was like for that person in the dragon costume.

I love henna so much. it takes a while of sitting and even longer for it to dry! Nothings worse then sitting 30 minutes getting a beautiful henna design only for it to smudge everywhere.
I'm not sure if it's a dragon or a predator, but it's got a wand. Maybe it's a predator-dragon-wizard.
I made all sorts of flower crowns for this festival, this one's my favourite and the one I wore!
I still find it weird to think I have business cards.
Last one I swear, I was really proud of my booth this festival, it was the first time I had an actually booth and not just a small section on a table.
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