Monday, 6 October 2014

DIY Roundup

I know I've been lacking in the DIY posts, I can only blame pure laziness. That and the fact that finding good tutorials has been hard lately! Nobody seems to be doing many unique things. Anyways, these are what I have come up with ! I LOVE the marbles mug and amethyst mirror. I think I need both of them in my life ASAP.

Make this beautiful amethyst mirror!

DIY: Etched Wooden Spoons. No paint, so they're food safe!  |  Design Mom
Want to sprucen up you're kitche? Try these etched wooden spoons! So lovely.

this marbled mug diy is so good! The mugs look fancy, beautiful and are easy to make!

boxwood clippings_diy falling leaves garland_2
I was to make this garland for my house! I'm pretty bad for not decorating for any holiday.

What DIY's have you been doing?



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Thursday, 2 October 2014

DIY Halloween costume ideas

It's that wonderful time of year again! Where summer suddenly dies and we run face first into everything pumpkin flavoured. Oh yeah, and it's a month before halloween and everyone's talking about what their going to wear. Halloween is always my favourite, yet somehow each year I plan to make a super-awesome-unique costume and usually end up being a vulcan from Star Trek. Every year. Except that one year where I was a vulcan zombie because my boyfriend has extra fake blood. Anyways, this year I SWEAR I'm going to be something totally awesome. Like Susie from Moonrise Kingdom, or a mermaid, or Susie from Moonrise Kingdom. I think I'm going to be Susie.

/\Kara Hayward as Suzy in 'Moonrise Kingdom' - Costume Designer: Kasia Walicka-MaimoneWg
All you need is a long sleeved peter pan collared dress, white knee highs, oxfords and binoculars.
I can't be fabulous today. My Wonder Woman costume is at the cleaners.
One year, when I'm super buff, I'll be wonderwoman and wear a pantless suit.

pretty girls in sexy star trek costume
Star Trek costumes always win.

This pin is a lengthy (really lengthy) list of custom ideas with links to directions.  There are SO many costume ideas!  Of course, I love the 3-D glasses above.  Cute, easy, and you can still feel like a girl without being "Slutty [Fill-In-The-Blank]," which seems to be about the only option for female costumes anymore.
I saw these two dresses and FELL IN LOVE! Sadly she closed up her shop and is no longer making these items. *sigh*

Couples costume. Alice and the White Rabbit.Mermaid Halloween costume by LoLovie  She gives a free tutorial for both an adult and a young child's homemade Mermaid outfit.  Easy!!

What will you guys be for halloween?


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