This beautiful model is my cousin! Emily Johnson, whom I'm pretty sure just started pre law. Atleast I hope so or else I'm a really bad cousin.

I took this with a Canon Rebel xs, and 55mm f1.4 lens ( I LOVE this lens for portraits and landscapes) I enjoy these two particular photos together (above and below, there is so much contrast! These were taken a while back for the photography courses I was taking. Emily was one of my favourite models, she knew exactly what to do in front of the camera.
Sadly, I've really gotten out of photography the past two years. I almost even sold my photography gear ones . *gasp*. Hopefully there will be more to come soon! Maybe I'll even meet some nice new people in my area to shoot portraits with. Enjoy!
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Sadly, I've really gotten out of photography the past two years. I almost even sold my photography gear ones . *gasp*. Hopefully there will be more to come soon! Maybe I'll even meet some nice new people in my area to shoot portraits with. Enjoy!
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